Perceptions on how living should be in older age have changed significantly in the last decades. More than 80% of all persons needing care and/or nursing are not willing to consider living in a traditional nursing home anymore, according to a study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. They are rather looking to stay independent in normal daily live as long as possible, moulded to their own personal needs and wishes.
A multigenerational community is open to residents who can manage their daily live by themselves with a little help from their neighbours, as well as to those who are in need of qualified care and/or nursing. Care &Win is integrating 5th Generation Care in all projects.
All apartments are barrier-free and handicapped accessible. They are equipped with private kitchens and bathrooms. Help with housekeeping tasks is shared between all residents.
Residents who need further care (governmental care levels 1-3) can be looked after by family members or they are free to choose an outpatient care service that suits their individual needs.
Any medical and nursing services are exclusively rendered by nursing specialists.
In more difficult cases, as dementia or Alzheimer's disease, permanent professional care and support is necessary.
This is why ambulatory cared for residential groups are an excellent addition to multigenerational living.
"Care at home - not in a home" - as desired by many people, is made possible through multigenerational communities specifically build to encompass the concept of 5th Generation Care.

The resident groups are free to set up daily life in a way that suits all inhabitants. This does not concern duties like nursing or general geriatric care, but day-to-day chores like grocery shopping, meal preparation, personal visits or any re-creational activities.
Each resident group includes a maximum of 12 persons, which guarantees a significantly higher percentage of potential care takers than traditional nursing homes.
Resident groups including additional outpatient care are therefore an important answer to the much needed change in care and nursing services in our modern society.
The German Government is explicitly subsidising multigenerational living and here especially the previously outlined resident groups, as the changing perceptions on how to live in old age are being put more into focus of German citizens.
If the standard residency is then combined with daily outpatient care, residents of a multigenerational house can continue to enjoy their personal surroundings without having to move into a nursing facility.
Even palliative care is firmly rooted into the principals of multigenerational living, as part of the 5th Generation Care concept.