71% of people needing care are treated at home.
In December of 2013, 2,63 million people in Germany were in need of professional care in line with the German care protection act.
More than two thirds of all people in need of care are cared for at home according to the Federal Office of Statistics. Out of these, 1,25 million people received financial care aid only, meaning that they are solely cared for by relatives. Another 616.000 were also living in private households, but these were either assisted or completely cared for by ambulatory outpatient care services. A further 764.000 people were living in care and nursing homes.
The majority of these patients were female (65%).
A total of 83% of all patients was over the age of 65 with more than a third (37%) over 85 years of age. A severely limited competence for independent daily living induced by dementia, mental disability or mental illness was diagnosed for a third (35%) of these patients

Demographic change is a hugely discussed subject in Germany. The German society ages rapidly. In 2009, approximately 749.000 people lived in care and nursing facilities. According to calculations of the Federal Office of Statistics, the number of people who are 80 or older will rise from 4,3 million in 2011 to 10,2 million in 2050. The predictions for people needing care and nursing, are a staggering 3,7 to 4,4 million future patients by 2050. This means the number of people needing appropriate care will double from 2005 to 2050 and that new concepts for care and nursing facilities are urgently needed.
Fulfilling the requirements
The care market currently takes up around 60% of the health industry in Germany and will grow accordingly within the next years as the need for care and nursing places is currently far from being met. In addition, many care facilities are not up to modern standards and needs. In the past, care facilities were almost exclusively run by non-profit organisations. For the last few years more and more privately-run businesses have been taking hold in the market.
This is the market Care & Win has started to make a difference in. Within the framework of ambulatory outpatient care living units, people in need of care or their relatives can decide themselves on the kind and frequency of care that is needed. They also can choose their own provider of these services if desired. This ensures maximum freedom of choice with the comfort of knowing that all needs can be met within the residential community.
The residential units not only offer the privacy of your own apartment, but also community spirit and professional care, starting with light support and ending in 24-hour fulltime professional nursing and care for those who need it. This is made possible through using on site ambulatory day care which takes care of the residents during the daytime.
This is why Care & Win has decided to take the future in its own hands - while enabling others to do the same!